Minnesota Parenting Time Attorney

What is parenting time? Many parents involved in Minnesota child custody and parenting time court cases do not understand the difference between the legal terms and concepts that are used by the Court. Attorneys and judges often use legal terms such as “legal custody,” “physical custody,” and “parenting time.”

While legal custody and physical custody are broad legal concepts concerning rights to the children, parenting time specifically refers to the time that each parent can spend with the child or children. If parents are separated, it is usually necessary to set up a specific parenting time schedule that allows each parent specific time to parent the children.

Attorney John E. Roach understands that client parenting time schedules should be detailed and include broad access to the children for parents that he represents. This should include holiday and vacation parenting time, as well as weekend and weekday parenting time. It is also often important to set up contact between clients and their children during the other parent’s parenting time as well. This can take the form of phone calls, video calls, or other similar means of communication.

Minnesota law provides a presumption that each parent is entitled to at least 25% of parenting time with each child. While this presumption can be overcome, parenting time attorney John E. Roach has an extensive track record of protecting and increasing client parenting time rights far beyond this minimum presumption.

Lastly, parenting time has a direct impact on the amount of child support paid or received by a parent. Calculating child support is not always easy, as the child support calculation can become quickly complicated - especially with a complex parenting time schedule. It is important to consult an experienced Minnesota parenting time attorney to maximize your parenting time and child support rights. If you have questions about parenting time or other child custody matters, call attorney John E. Roach at Roach Law PLLC to set up your free consultation.